Our outstanding animal care never stops. Your support is an investment in the future of Pine Grove Zoo and will ensure that we can continue to be the world-class community resource you know and love.

Join us in our commitment to save wildlife and wild places. Together we can educate, engage, and empower people to support the animals around us!

Yes, I want to help care for all the animals at the Zoo!

Your generous gift helps support the needs of all the animals in our care. Have any questions? Please contact us at info@pinegrovezoo.com or call (320) 616-5595.


  • $250.00
  • $100.00
  • $50.00
  • $25.00
  • Surprise Us!


  • Give Once
  • Monthly

Is this an honorary or memorial gift?
If so, please provide us with the following information in the box below: 1. The name of the person. 2. Whether this gift is made in their honor or in their memory. 3. The name and address where you would like a card mailed on your behalf.

